
Training at Citizens Church offers classes and studies that help us learn who God is and what He has done and is doing in the person and work of Jesus Christ. We believe as whole-hearted Christians we should love like Jesus, think like Jesus, feel like Jesus, and act like Jesus. Biblical training is one avenue that helps us grow in these areas.

We offer a variety of topical classes and Bible studies

Men's and Women's Bible Class

Our gender-specific Bible studies allow you to study a book of the Bible line by line, in community. Classes have three parts: personal study, group study and teaching. Register for our upcoming Men's and Women's Bible Classes. 

Baptism Class

Baptism Class teaches the ordinance of Christian baptism by immersion. Participants will learn what Citizens Church believes about baptism and how we practice baptism. This class is for those who desire to be baptized at Citizens Church or are looking to learn more about baptism. Register for our next Baptism class here.

Training at Citizens Church

Teaching the Bible and Christian theology in order to make fully-formed disciples of Jesus Christ.  

Featured Resources

Women's Bible Class - Grace and Peace

Women's Bible Class - Grace and Peace

Build upon your Biblical knowledge as we explore Paul's books – Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon. 

Men's Bible Class - 1 & 2 Thessalonians

Men's Bible Class - 1 & 2 Thessalonians

1 & 2 Thessalonians are two of Paul's earliest letters. As we mine the words of Paul, we will see how God's grand story of redemption calls believers in Jesus Christ to live lives marked by faith that works, love that labors, and hope that endures.

Men's Bible Class - Acts

Men's Bible Class - Acts

In the Book of Acts, the authority of the King is proclaimed, the indwelling of the Spirit is secured and the Church of God is multiplied. Witness a crucial moment in the history of our faith as the gospel goes out against great odds and the Church takes root.

Women's Bible Class - Ruth

Women's Bible Class - Ruth

The book of Ruth is a story of God's promised plan of salvation unfolding through tumultuous circumstances and seemingly insignificant people. Ruth puts on display God's providence and mercy, and foreshadows the true King and Redeemer that is to come.