Worship Academy

About Worship Academy

What is Worship Academy?

  • Worship Academy is a six-week program designed for students that have completed grades 6- 12 to deepen their understanding of worship and develop the skills needed to lead and support the Worship and Production Ministry. Each Sunday evening, students will gather at the church for guided mentorship in a specific area of worship and production. Through hands-on training, they will explore the meaning of worship, learn to worship in spirit and truth, and gain both musical and vocal skills.

What will we offer?

  • We will be offering one on one Worship development training for those who play piano, bass, drums, electric guitar, acoustic guitar and that can sing! You must have completed 6th - 12th grade to apply.
  • We will also be offering a one on one Production training option. If your student is interested in Audio, lyrics or light design they will receive top notch training. You must be in High School to apply.

What is required of the students?

  • To fill out the application form!
  • To have previous experience in their instrument + and practice between each meeting.
  • They MUST attend each week we have scheduled.
  • To be actively attending Citizens and be involved in their huddles!

If your student is passionate about worship and eager to grow in this ministry at Citizens Church, we encourage you to register for Worship Academy!

  • March 9th - After Night of Worship - students/coaches meeting + MANDATORY parent meeting
  • March 16th - Spring break week
  • March 23rd - Week 1
  • March 30th - Week 2
  • April 6th - Week 3
  • April 13th - Week 4
  • April 20th - EASTER
  • April 27th - Week 5
  • MAY 7TH - Week 6 - Students Lead Unite
Schedule: Weekly: Sundays at 6:00 PM
Date: 3/23/25
Time: 6:00 pm
Location: TBD
Molly Smith