
Growing in Wisdom

January 29, 2023

As we pause and look back at the slow pace of wisdom and in the person of Jesus Christ, we see a pattern of lowering ourselves in humility. The more we trust in Christ, and God’s wisdom, the more we know how little we know. Proverbs help us see how deeply we need God and it shows us our need to grow in dependence on Christ not on our own strength.

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Jesus with the Suffering

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September 1, 2024
Jesus can comfort every kind of sufferer and understands every kind of suffering because He takes every kind of suffering onto Himself. Scripture: Mark 5:21-43

Jesus with the Outcast

Tymarcus Ragland
August 26, 2024
Jesus wants to be Messiah over every part of our lives—even for “the outcast”. He meets all of us in our pain and shame and offers us living water that we may be made whole. Scripture: John 4:1-30

Jesus with the Anxious

Jamin Roller
August 18, 2024
Jesus invites us to leave the distracted life for the devoted life. He meets us in our “anxious and troubled” and welcomes us to return to His feet. Scripture: Luke 10: 38–42