Mens Bible Class

Week 9: Forgetfulness

April 10, 2023

For forty days and nights, Moses has been up on the mountain receiving instructions for building the tabernacle and ordaining the priesthood. But what have the Israelites been doing for all that time? Chapter 32 opens there. Moses will be called upon to act as a mediator for his people yet again—this time, to plead for forgiveness for their sin.

Other Mens Bible Class Teachings


Every Good Promise Fulfilled: A Study of Joshua (MBC)

September 9, 2024

Week 11: Wrap-Up and Q&A

Tymarcus Ragland
April 22, 2024
Closing our study in Paul’s letters to the Philippians, Colossians and Philemon, we take some time to reflect on the major takeaways from these letters. Themes of unity and family of God, sanctification, and hope in the midst of suffering. We...

Week 10: Grace & Peace (Philemon)

April 15, 2024
The letter to Philemon is a unique Pauline epistle, as he writes not to a church but to an individual. As Paul appeals to Philemon to forgive and receive back his runaway slave Onesimus, there’s a rich theme of grace...