
If the Lord Wills

May 14, 2024

As Christians, we can face tomorrow with the humility of our human limitations and the confidence that God cares for us.

Other Sermon Teachings


Rhythms of Work

July 21, 2024
Our culture often distorts work, limiting it to a means for money and inflating its importance to our identity, complicating our relationship with it. The Bible, however, views work as a treasure and a gift, emphasizing our dignity from being...

Rhythms of Play

Jonathan Dodson
July 14, 2024
The rhythm of play is often neglected in theology. What is play? Is it even biblical? How can we practice it in a healthy way? This sermon explores the meaning of play from various angles, including a unique perspective from...

Rhythms of Rest

Jonathan Dodson
July 7, 2024
It can be hard to slow down in a busy society. What keeps us from experiencing true rest? How is Sabbath different from the slow movement? This message shows us how to cultivate a life of sabbath-shaped rest. Scripture: Exodus...